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Urbanway Natural Power for Paris

A landmark order for IVECO BUS with 409 Urbanway Natural Power ordered by Ile-de-France Mobilités

At the National Public Transport Exhibition, IVECO BUS, CATP (French Public Transport Central Purchasing Office) and Ile-de-France Mobilités sealed their collaboration by announcing a record order for 409 buses powered by biogas. The vehicles, designed and produced in France, will be used in the public transport network of the inner and outer suburbs of the Paris Region and are part of the development plan for a diesel-free transport network.


Nantes, October 3rd, 2019


At the opening of the National Public Transport Exhibitioncurrently taking place in Nantes, France from 1 to 3 October, IVECO BUS, CATP and Ile-de-France Mobilités officially confirmed an order for 409 Urbanway Natural Power buses. The biogas-powered vehicles will be delivered between 2020 and 2021 and operated in the inner and outer suburbs of the Paris metropolitan area. It is the first time that such an order has been placed via a central purchasing office, without going through transport operators. This is a new procedure aimed at standardizing the equipment used in the Ile-de-France Region, to ensure that passengers can enjoy buses of comparable quality.


Twelve-meter-long, Urbanway Natural Power buses will feature the brand-new harmony interior design of Ile-de-France Mobilités, which sets new standards in terms of comfort and safety. Quieter than ever thanks to the use of natural gas, the new buses will be equipped with air conditioning, CCTV, USB ports and under seat LED lighting for a more comfortable trip.


Biogas-powered, they will also increase the number of environmentally friendly buses operated in the Region and will play an active role in the renewal plan of diesel bus fleets. The fuel, derived from recycled organic waste, offers major environment-related benefits in terms of pollutant emissions and noise. The level of fine particles emissions is close to zero and NOx emissions are reduced by more than a third. The noise level is cut in half, offering near-silent operation for the driver, passengers and residents alike.


The use of this technology responds to the mobility challenges of tomorrow, today: air quality, climate protection and quieter operation are just some of the extra benefits obtained without compromising performance. In addition, thanks to an extended range of 400 kilometers, Urbanway NPs are ideally suited to public transport in the Greater Paris area.


European leader for nearly 25 years, the IVECO brand, once again, confirms its leadership in alternative propulsion and provides a mature, virtuous and sustainable solution from well-to-wheel. Suited to all types of transport, with a very good return on investment, IVECO BUS' expertise in Natural Power makes it possible to deploy sustainable mobility.


"We are extremely proud that Ile-de-France Mobilités elected to give us the order, which confirms its commitment to energy transition" commented Stéphane Espinasse, Head of the IVECO BUS brand, adding:Once again, IVECO BUS' expertise in the field of alternative energy vehicles is acknowledged”.